DAYTONA BEACH, FL (May 25, 2011) - Daytona State College’s Presidential Search Advisory Committee has narrowed its pool of candidates from nine to four, following two days of interviews earlier this week.
The finalists selected by the 22-member committee in, alphabetical order, are: Roslyn Artis, executive vice president of Mountain State University (W.Va.); Drew Bennett, chancellor, Missouri State University-West Plains; Carol Eaton, president of Frederick Community College (Md.) and Irby "Skip" Sullivan, president, West Georgia Technical College.
Selection Committee Chairman T. K. Wetherell said the finalist candidates most closely fit the leadership needs of the college and clearly stood out among search committee members.
The search committee, its charge now complete, was assisted by Dr. Robert Parilla, a consultant with Academic Search, a nationally known firm with expertise in recruiting senior-level higher education administrators.
The search committee, its charge now complete, was assisted by Dr. Robert Parilla, a consultant with Academic Search, a nationally known firm with expertise in recruiting senior-level higher education administrators.
For more information, please call (386) 506-4408, or email
Presidential candidate finalist bios